Veronika Wildgruber approaches design through materials. Craftsmanship and manufacturing processes inspire her. She describes her work as “simple and surprising”. Her work has been exhibited around the world, and was awarded with the Silmo d’Or in 2010 and 2017 and the IF Product Design Award 2011 and a Special Mention of the German Design Award 2019.
Veronika has been designing patterns for Hermès silk items since 2011. She is also collaboration with the Hermès home and jewellery department. She is the art director and the head of Veronika Wildgruber Eyewear.

We are:

Veronika Wildgruber: Founder and creative Director

Current Collaborator: Eleonora Toniolo

Former Collaborators: Irene Delvai, Silvia Maranzan,
Teresa Carretta, Maximilian Obexer



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